Bedbug Blog

What were seeing in the Atlanta bedbug market |Georgia Bedbug Solutions

Day in and day out there is one thing that remains consistent in the bedbug industry and that is the failure to react accordingly. Often times when we arrive at a location with an infestation it has been present for months or even sometimes years! What the common response to this neglect is typically 1 […]

Construction Home Improvement Home Owners Model Roofing

– Design Trends: Residential Roofing 2020

Roof design is moving toward an increasing focus on beauty and design. With more builders utilizing roof space as living space, the look of the roof itself becomes a bigger priority. Another trend linked directly to this is consistent use of color from the top to the bottom of the home. Currently up-trending among contemporary […]

Bedbug Blog

What is the heat remediation process?

A common question that we are asked is “what is the heat remediation process?”. This is a great question that we will be more than happy to dive into with this blog! Once we receive a call or an email from a customer the first thing that we always do is schedule and inspection. The […]

Home Owners Insurance Roofing Weather

– How Does Hurricane Season Affect The DFW Area?

How Does Hurricane Season Affect The DFW Area? The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season is racking up storms at breakneck speed. As of today, the season is about two weeks ahead of record pace and it’s only one third of the way through. On Wednesday, the news became more concerning as the research team at Colorado […]

Bedbug Blog

Why heat over chemicals? | Georgia Bedbug Solutions

When I first began working in the pest industry, the very first job I went to was a bed bug infestation. I remember asking the technician that was training me what the plan of attack was and she said, “we are going to spray and pray”! While it was a funny response at the time, […]

Big buildings Commercial Roofing Project

Roofing The Front Range – Home Grown Roofing CO

To Whom It May Concern, My name is Heyward C Oliver and I am the President and Sole Owner of Five Sons Roofing Denver License # LIC232803 .This letter is to verify the field experience of Mr. Adrian Michael Oliver roofing the Front Range and Denver Metro Areas; as it pertains to Specialty D Licensing […]


Notice To The Homeowner – Home Grown Roofing CO

THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF OUR NOTICE TO THE HOME OWNER  FORM WE WILL HAVE YOU FILL OUT AND SIGN PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION PROCESS: Do you have any exposed Decking? Such as a vaulted ceiling, car ports, porch or soffit areas where nails might protrude through wood decking? Do you have outside water […]


Notice To Property Owner – Home Grown Roofing CO

THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF OUR “NOTICE TO THE PROPERTY OWNER” (Commercial) DOCUMENT WE WILL HAVE YOU FILL OUT PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION PROCESS… Do you have any exposed Decking? Such as open ceilings, car ports, porch or soffit areas where nails might protrude through decking?                  […]

Determining My Roofing Needs: Roof Restoration VS Roof Replacement

Home renovation goes with a long list of things to do, including minor and major repairs and ensuring that your roofing is not just in good condition, but is up to date. After years of prolonged exposure to sun and harsh weather, your roofing experiences wear and tear, which can sometimes be overlooked. Minor damages […]

How To Spot and Fix Roof Leaks

Not all roof leaks require you to call an expert. In fact, you may be able to do some roof repair yourself. In this blog, you will learn how to spot roof leaks and fix them without needing extensive experience in roof repair.  Roof Leaks   Water stains are among the most common signs of roof […]

Greeneville Septic Tank Cleaning Greeneville Septic Tank Pumping Septic Tank Septic Tank Cleaning Septic Tank Installation Septic Tank Maintenance Septic Tank Pumping Septic Tank Services

A Comprehensive Guide to Inspecting A Septic System | Roto-Rooter of Greeneville TN

It’s very important to find a good inspector for your septic system. If not appropriately maintained or installed incorrectly, then your family’s health could be endangered. Moreover, by ensuring that your septic system is designed correctly, installed thoroughly, and maintained well, you can expect that your system will stick around longer. So, what you need […]

Electrical Electrical Wiring Electrician Electricians in Knoxville House Electrical Wiring House Electrical Wiring System Knoxville Electric Company Knoxville Electrical Contractor Knoxville Electrical Repair Knoxville Electrician

Which House Electrical Wiring System Best Suits Your Household?

The process of connecting different accessories to distribute electrical energy evenly from the supplier to several home appliances and equipment such as air conditioning, computers, televisions, water dispenser, is called house electrical wiring. This system powers the lights and electrical devices inside a house, making it easier for people to live comfortably. Without this system, […]


15 Easy ways to Get More Roofing Leads without Wasting Your Marketing Dollars

As a roofer, you already know that roofing is a cutthroat industry. It takes a lot of time and effort to succeed in the roofing industry. There was a time in America when starting a roofing business was absolutely risk-free. The competition was sparse, towns were small, and your roofing business could be providing services […]


Summer Starter Pack: Air Conditioning System Maintenance Tips 

Having an efficient air conditioning system that you can rely on in the height of summer is crucial. You certainly do not want to experience any trouble concerning your HVAC system during the season. Otherwise, you will find yourself looking up “HVAC Repair Near Me” desperately.  As you read on, you will find a few […]


Techniques, Strategies, and Tricks for Roofing Marketing During COVID-19

Tactfully Market Your Roofing Business during the Coronavirus Pandemic With These Tips. With more than 20,000 new cases reported daily worldwide, there is no doubt that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has wreak havoc and changed the way people do business worldwide. Unfortunately, no one knows when this pandemic will end. Because it has adversely affected the […]

Why Is Roof Restoration More Preferable?

While it may be tempting to just fix “minor” roof damages, it is sometimes not a practical thing to do. Because no matter how small the damages may seem, they are always rooted in something more serious that needs immediate attention. Professional roofers recommend restoring your entire roof rather than trying to fix what is […]


Five Super-Simple Roofing Marketing Tips to Get Free Qualified Leads Online | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

Are you looking for foolproof ways to generate free roofing leads online? If yes, this post will give you tips to help your roofing website generate free qualified leads online. And by qualified leads, we mean property owners in your area who are searching for roof installation or repair services. Or, if you are a […]


Things You Wish You Knew About Septic Tank Maintenance

Drainage issues call for septic tank repair. It is always wise to call a local plumbing contractor to deliver plumbing services on your septic system. Our septic tank repair services come with the advantage of not having to worry about costly septic system repairs.  Some will say that a septic system does not really need […]

How are Regular Roof Repairs Beneficial?

The roof is what covers the top-most layer of your property and protects it from climatic conditions like hail, snow, rain, and other natural perils. It also serves as a barrier that safeguards your building in case a large branch of the tree suddenly falls off. That being said, your roofing system has to be […]

Commercial Roofing

Common Roofing Materials for Commercial Roofing

There is a wide range of options when it comes to commercial roofing. Meaning, one can choose among the many forms and materials for their business roofing according to their needs and budget. Choosing the right kind of roofing for your commercial property is crucial to your building’s general health. It also plays a significant […]


Essential Questions To Ask When Choosing An Electrical Contractor

Commercial electrical work needs to be done flawlessly. You cannot allow one single mistake. From simple repairs to a complete electrical installation should be done by experts.   But the question is, “how to find the right electrical contractor for your electrical needs?”  While several electrical contractors claim not to compromise your property’s safety with their […]


How To Know When I Need Heating Repair?

The fall season is just around the corner, and you’ve probably only been using your heater recently. As it happens, colder days are yet to come, which makes it ideal for homeowners to evaluate their heating systems for possible signs of damage (and for prevention of such).  Minor issues may have accumulated from the past […]

Roofing Warranties: What are the Trick Words?

We admit that roofing prices rise steadily over the years. It causes an effect on a person’s ability to process through finding a good roof for their vision. The many trials and tribulations that occur when a person shops for a new roof takes a toll. While a large price should indicate a longer time […]

Why Should I Hire a Local Roofer?

  Strong Reasons to Recruit a Local Roofer     Roofing system problems can keep you up in the middle of the night. That’s because roofing systems have significant responsibilities on their plates. These systems strive to defend structures and their interiors from all kinds of unpredictable and severe environmental factors. If there’s anything amiss with […]

TPO Roofing

How each part contributes to its function

Roofing is an integral part of your home. It’s not just any roofing, but a spotless, seamless, and leak-free roofing capable of protecting your home and everything in it. Unfortunately, not all homeowners are aware of the many options when choosing a roofing system.  TPO Roofing is one of the cheapest and most practical options […]

Drain Cleaning

Drain Cleaning Techniques That You Should Know

A lot of things can cause drain clogging, and one of the most common causes is grease and food waste buildup. When things get uncontrollable, you may need the help of a professional. Worse comes to worst, your drain system may require a major repair which can hurt your pocket.  However, there may be ways […]

Water Heaters

Intro to Water Heaters – Alpha Tradesmen Academy

At the end of the day, company owners are left with three options: leave technicians untrained and inexperienced, send technicians to costly, inconvenient traditional trade schools, or utilize Alpha Tradesmen Academy’s ground-breaking online program. With our 30-day guarantee and limited time offer of two free bonus badges, employers have nothing to lose and plenty of […]


How To Take Care Of Your Septic System

Septic system is a must-have in a typical household and is an integral part of the home. Most homeowners worldwide have septic systems, but ironically, not all of them know where the tank is placed. Not a lot of them are even aware that septic systems also need to be taken care of, much less […]


The Importance of Electrical Maintenance in Keeping Your Home Safe

Regular electrical maintenance doesn’t only keep your home safe, but it also comes with a lot more benefits. Having an established maintenance routine on all electrical material fittings and devices inside your home actually improves their performance while creating a safe living environment that is free from any forms of danger. When it comes to […]


How To Know When I Need Air Conditioning Repair

If you love air conditioning, you know how it feels when it’s summer, and the AC gets broken. We understand how dreadful it can get, especially when you most need it. Preventing symptoms will always be the best choice.  We have listed the early signs that you need an air conditioning repair. This should help […]

Pest Control

How To Lessen Exposure To Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be seen a lot almost every hour of the day, especially now that it’s summer. Most people know exactly how they can be a nuisance during outdoor activities. With the rising population of mosquitoes as temperatures increase, we would start questioning ourselves about what we can do to eliminate exposure to disease-carrying mosquitoes. […]


Daily Maintenance Checklist For Home Plumbing

The plumbing system consists of up to 15 % of your entire home. That is why it is important to invest in a correctly installed and smoothly functioning plumbing system. Such a plumbing system gives you access to safe, clean water right from your faucet. Other benefits of a well-functioning plumbing system include:  Freshwater that […]

Pest Control

How To Find The Right Pest Control Service Contractor For You

Finding a reliable pest control service contractor can be a daunting task. It requires a lot of patience, as well as critical thinking. As a consumer, you should be able to determine which contractor will be right for the task you need to be done.  In this article, we will enumerate the things that you […]


Make More Money with Research-Backed Google Ads (AdWords) Strategies for Roofing Contractors | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

Improve your Click-Through-Rate, Reduce the Cost of Acquiring Leads, and Make More Money with Google Ads (AdWords). When it comes to search engines market share, Google is the market leader with more than a 75% stake, but nowadays, Google has become more than a search engine. Google Ads (AdWords) is an excellent tool that can […]

Hero Services Plumbing

Most Common Plumbing Problems To Watch Out For

One of the most laborious tasks to deal with when owning a home is plumbing. It requires a certain amount of time and attention to ensure a safe and comfortable home.    While homeowners dread to hear this fact, plumbing issues can occur inevitably. Its occurrence is accompanied by pipe aging, wearing and tearing of […]


How To Prepare for A Plumbing Drain Cleaning Service

Wastewater sources and drain clogs cause your plumbing system to stop. That is why it is essential to have a plumbing drain cleaning service done in your home plumbing system from time to time. Before the plumbing drain cleaning service occurs, here are the important things that you should prepare to help make the service […]


Leach Field Maintenance Tips | Hero Services

Before purchasing a home, it is integral to ensure a correctly functional septic system and a regular inspection routine on all the home systems you are planning to buy.  (Professional disclaimer: do not do the maintenance inspection yourself. Call a local plumbing contractor for your Septic Tank Leach Field Repair needs.) However, not all homeowners […]


What to do if Your Roofing Website is hacked? | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

Build trust with a secure roofing website In March 2016, Google announced that over 50 million websites were culprits of getting hacked. A statistic that has ever been rising rapidly in recent years. If your roofing website has been hacked, it could adversely hurt your rankings, so prompt action is essential. As a roofer figuring […]

Hail and Wind Roof Damage

Why Hire a Professional for Storm Roof Damage – Knoxville Roofing | Roofer | Roofing Company | Chimney Repair | Knoxville

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15 Graphic Design Terms that Every Roofing Contractor Must Know | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

Increase Your Website Visibility, traffic and Generate Leads with Roofing Graphic Design Graphic design is used in conventional marketing campaigns like fliers and billboards, and more importantly, it is applied in all internet marketing campaigns, from social media marketing to roofing website design. If you are a roofing contractor that’s working with an internet marketing agency for several […]


Finding the Right Plumbing Contractor in Knoxville, TN

Finding the right plumbing contractor can sometimes be a daunting task if you don’t know what qualities to look for in a specific plumbing company.  Especially in Knoxville, Tennessee area, the right plumbing company for you should not be difficult to find at all.   Many plumbing companies are operating in Knoxville, TN, and although you […]

How To Spot The Location of a Water Leak | Roto-Rooter of Greeneville TN

Finding the exact location of a water leak in your plumbing system comes with many benefits for your home and safety. For one, it can save you from unnecessary expenses, and it can also help prevent possible disasters in the long run.    How do you find these troublesome leaks without having to ruin the existing […]


Crucial Features to Look for in a Great Roofing Company Logo Design | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

Your roofing logo design is a vital component of your brand identity. It creates the first impression to your audience and symbolizes what your business is all about. Roofing logo designs are somewhat kind of marketing collaterals since they describe the services you offer to clients. Your roofing logo is the public face of your […]

Determining The Risks of Roof Leaks

The last thing a homeowner would want to deal with is a leaking roof that gets worse over time. Having these issues can surprise you in some ways – expenses!   Roof leaks are tough to deal with, so it is advisable that once you spot an early sign of damage, you should not let it […]

Important Things To Remember About Emergency Roof Repair

Your roofing system protects your entire home from all kinds of harm. But as tough as it may seem, it is highly vulnerable to weather damages. Protecting your roof also means protecting your entire home and everything in it.  Emergencies call for immediate action, which means you should be able to call a reliable roofer […]

How To Choose The Right Roofing Contractor: 6 Easy Steps

Since the wet season is almost here, it’s time to start thinking about possible solutions to rain and flood damage. Yes, it has not happened yet, but it does not hurt to be smart about protecting your home from future disasters. We all want to be ready when the inevitable comes. Thus, one must know […]


PPC for Roofing Contractors: How to Make Most out of Your Paid Search Marketing Campaigns. | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

Improve the visibility of your roofing website, get new leads, and book more jobs with PPC ads. Google Ads (Adwords) is a crucial marketing medium available to roofers throughout the U.S, as long as it is appropriately utilized. On the flip side, it can be a waste of your marketing dollars if managed by a […]


These 6 Simple Web Design Tips Will Make Your Roofing Website Rock! | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

Do you feel like your roofing business is not getting new leads or clients it should? Do you want to let prospects/ clients know about your roofing services? If so, this post will show how roofing website design can help you outrank your competitors in the market. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a […]


How To Become A Licensed Roofing Contractor | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

It’s a situation that we are all too familiar with, lousy weather, and wind wreaking havoc and pulling our shingles from our roofs. Not only does this have a negative aesthetic impact on the house, but this can often also lead to leaks and drafts, nobody wants that! As a solution, many homeowners would simply […]


How to Become a Roofer | BlackStorm Design + Marketing

Are you looking for a new job? Get a great career as a roofer. It will give you access to regular work with a steady stream of projects waiting for you. You need to be equipped with skills to work on different building types, including residential and commercial structures. Ever wonder what exactly a roofer […]