Capitol Mechanical Featured Articles Germaine Nelson heating and cooling HVAC Oatey Plumbing water heater water heating

Hub Spotlight: Germaine Nelson—Turnin’ Wrenches in the Nation’s Capitol – Plumbing Perspective

Back in the day he was known as DJ Reggie Nell, and he could spin records with the best of ’em. A former DJ while working in the trades, Germaine Nelson, president, Capitol Plumbing & Heating, Bowie, Md., now is a full-service residential plumbing OG, specializing in water heaters, waste and venting for the surrounding […]

Blue Recruit Featured Articles heating and cooling HVAC Interplay Learning Plumbing simulation training Taco Training VR training

Virtual/Simulation Training the Next Cog in the Evolution of Training – Plumbing Perspective

Virtual and simulation training isn’t necessarily new to the industry but its acceptance has been met with intrigue, and trepidation. But to say that this is the future of training? Not so fast. The consensus thoughts regarding this type of training is that will never replace in-person or on-the-job training, but it will become a […]