As a roofer, you spend a lot of money and time trying to promote your roofing website. And you are probably impressed whenever new prospects land on your site. But the excitement is short-lived if the new prospects are not helping you to increase your revenue/ profit.
Unfortunately, studies suggest that only three percent of new prospects who visit your roofing website convert into clients. Simply put, your roofing business will book three jobs out of 100 prospects that land on your site. This is because it takes time before a prospect decides to hire you for the job.
The major problem is that these prospects may never come back to look for roofing services/ products on your site again. So how are you going to follow up on the massive chunk of prospects who navigated away from your website? Luckily, there is one thing you can do to bring back those prospects- run roofing retargeting campaigns.
This post will explain everything you need to know about roofing ads retargeting, how it works, why it is crucial for your roofing business, and tips to get started in a few minutes!
Without further ado, let us dive straight into our post.
What is Roofing Ads Retargeting?
Roofing ad retargeting, also called remarketing, retargeting is the process where you target ads to prospects that have interacted with your website earlier but have not been able to convert into a sale.
For example, if a prospect lands on your roofing website and browses different pages, without filling out the contact form or booking a job, roofing ads retargeting can help to reach them out again.
Since you don’t have their contact details, retargeting works through cookies and pixels. So, when a prospect lands on your website and navigates away without converting, you can set up a roofing retargeting campaign to continue sending them further marketing messages until they convert.
Instead of wasting your marketing dollars trying to get new prospects, you need to retarget prospects that have already interacted with your site with personalized messages and ads.
Let us explore further how Ads Retargeting Works for roofing contractors.

The term Remarketing and Retargeting are often interchangeable.
How Does Ads Retargeting Works for Roofers?
When prospects land on your roofing website, they are generally tagged with a pixel or cookie. This helps you to earmark and target these prospects with custom ads whenever they are online.
Retargeting helps you to remind your clients of your services and products after they navigate away from your website without purchasing. It helps you to show your prospects relevant ads when they visit other sites.
What makes roofing retargeting particularly effective (and possible) is its unique capability of real-time bidding (RTB) technology, which allows roofing marketing professionals to bid on and buy an ad impression.
Reasons Why Ads Retargeting is an Important Marketing Strategy for Roofers
There are various reasons why Ads retargeting is so powerful, particularly for performance-driven roofers, here is why:
Retargeting Gives Roofers a Second Chance to Convert a Prospect
What makes ads retargeting special is the fact that it only targets prospects who had earlier visited your landing pages or roofing websites. This implies these prospects have already been exposed to your brand and, most likely, your roofing services or products. As a result, these prospects are more qualified and can easily be convinced by your continuous marketing efforts.
If most of your website traffic consists of one-time prospects, organic or paid, that would otherwise vanish away, roofing ads retargeting helps you to continue marketing to those prospects and return them to the conversion funnel.
For instance, look at a roofing PPC campaign, when the advertiser is bidding on high-value keywords. When the prospect clicks on the ad, the roofer gets charged and is typically given one chance to convince that client to book for a service or product.
But with roofing retargeting, the high-value prospect can then be retargeted with subsequent ads at a cheaper cost. Retargeting ads act as an online reminder to prospects of their desire to book jobs through your site, hopefully encouraging them to come back and convert.
Retargeting Drives Steady Flow of Roofing Leads By Capturing your Prospects Data
Retargeting perfectly complements your search engine marketing and roofing SEO efforts. If you have a steady flow of organic prospects landing on your roofing site, you should take advantage of that massive traffic to craft a retargeting list. This is particularly crucial if a bunch of traffic consists of one-time prospects that would have vanished away without converting.
Retargeting Helps Roofers to Generate More Sales
This is the most crucial and distinct advantage of retargeting as an integral part of your online marketing strategy. Different roofers have various metrics based on the type of roofing services/ products they offer. Still, every roofer who wants to stay ahead of competition must pay attention to the revenue generated.
Retargeting Ads Helps Roofing Contractors to Reach Interested Potential Clients
Retargeting helps to reach out to prospects, who had expressed an interest in your service or product offering, now you just have to nudge or remind them to fill out the contact form at the bottom of your roofing website. Roofing ad retargeting is advantageous to your business because through it you can reach interested potential clients, rather than reaching out to a bunch of prospects who may not be interested in your services.
Retargeting Increases Your Roofing Brand Awareness
Recent studies show that it may take up to seven impressions by your brand on a client to build trust for them to convert. Retargeting can reduce the time your client takes to build sufficient brand awareness and make a purchasing decision. Even if those prospects don’t book a job straight away, you are putting all the odds in your favor because your brand will be the first one to be remembered once they decide to move forward. Brand awareness is crucial for your roofing business growth, and retargeting offers advantages in that area.
Retargeting ads help Roofers to Get More Conversions.
Retargeting ads will help roofers to achieve a high conversion rate, and the cost per acquisition will be low because you are just targeting the right prospects using the right ads. Therefore, prospects who click on your roofing retargeting ads are more likely to have the intent of purchasing.
Retargeting Ads are Cost-Effective
Since you are concentrating on prospects that are likely to purchase your services, you will be obtaining a good bang out of your roofing PPC buck. Retargeting narrows down your target audience to those prospects who have not converted, thus making it more cost-effective.
Types of Ads Retargeting
You can retarget prospects based on several factors, such as emails, intent, searches, and website visits. All of these methods are crucial to returning the traffic and increase leads. Without further ado, let us explore some of the most common forms of roofing ads retargeting.
Search Retargeting
When using this method, you are going after prospects that have searched for services using keywords that are relevant to your business. Thus, a roofer here will be making assumptions based on the searcher’s intent. However, just because a property owner has used keywords that are relevant to your business does not imply that they are ready to buy.
General Roofing Website Retargeting
This is the most popular form of roofing retargeting. You can use this form of retargeting on platforms like Face book, LinkedIn, Quora, and Twitter. Unfortunately, roofers will have very few options with these methods.
Email Retargeting
Just like with the other forms of roofing marketing, retargeting can also be done through emails too!
How Can Roofers Craft a Specific Retargeting Offer?
Roofing contractors can take advantage of retargeting offers to lure prospects back to your roofing website and convert immediately in retargeting ads.
Retargeting ads are fantastic because roofers can retarget based on the pages that the prospects had visited on their website.
For example, if prospects were reading about asphalt shingle roofs on your roofing website, but did not reach out to you. A retargeting offer can be crafted as follows:
“Limited Time Offer: Get Up to $1,500 off new Asphalt Shingles roofs. Offer Expires on 12/31. Schedule your free roof estimate today.”
This ad will attract your prospect’s attention as well as to make them take action because of the limited time discount.
Having an offer is crucial to your roofing retargeting success. You want the prospects to come back, so you need to give then an enticing offer to achieve that. This could include but not limited to:
Limited customer discount (You can provide a service to the limited group of people
- within a specific timeframe)
- Free add-ons to the roofing services
- Discounted service
Roofing Ads landing pages
Another important thing that you need to consider is what will follow after prospects click on your targeted ads. So be careful not to send your prospects to your homepage, which does not say anything about the advert you have just posted there.
You must craft a specific roofing landing page that has all the details about the offer and allows people to contact your business, whether on email or filling out the contact form.
This is CRUCIAL if your retargeting ads are to achieve great results.
Where can Roofing Contractors Set Up Their Retargeting Ads?
There are various platforms where roofers can set up their retargeting campaigns, including:
Almost all prospects are on social media, these ads are effective and cheap at getting prospects back to the conversion funnel.
Google Remarketing Ads
We all know that Google controls a huge chunk of the search market. You should try to rent an advertising space with them to stay ahead of the curve.
Many prospects enjoy watching videos. You can insert a retargeting video for them to watch when they move from one video to another. This will catch their attention!
Do You Have Retargeting Ads Set Up?
Even if your roofing website is properly designed with all the conversion elements intact, you are likely to only get 20 out of 100 prospects requesting your services. What will happen to the other 80 prospects? They will navigate and visit your competitor’s websites.
Retargeting them is the only way that they can return to your site and convert. After visiting your website, prospects will be browsing social media or other sites, and seeing your retargeted ads. It is a good strategy of bringing prospects back and establishing a powerful roofing brand.
Retargeting for Roofing Contractors: the Surefire way of Growing Your Brand Online
When done properly, a roofing retargeting campaign can boost the growth and traffic of your business, all from the web! It makes sure that your brand is in front of prospects in your locality thus increasing their trust that they might contact you. Higher rankings = Increased traffic = More customers.
A good roofing retargeting campaign takes patience and time, but the end results are worth it. BlackStorm Roofing Marketing not only has professionals managing your ad campaigns, but they have a thorough knowledge of the roofing industry.
Roofing ad retargeting can be a cost-effective method particularly for roofers working on a budget. This is because of concentrate only on prospects that are interested in your roofing services. It is a great advertising model that helps roofing contractors to promote their services or products. Retargeting helps your site to reach out to prospects who did not convert initially by telling them that your services are still worth a try!
Level up Your Roofing Re-targeting Ads with BlackStorm Roofing Marketing
Every roofer strives to win back the prospect who never converted during t their first visit. Re-targeting helps to bring back those prospects who navigated away from your site before they converted. But how can your roofing business achieve great re-targeting results without partnering with experienced roofing marketers.
At BlackStorm Roofing Marketing, we don’t promise but deliver great roof retargeting campaign results. We will give you the secrets on how your business can be ranked #1 on Google and snatch most of the leads from your competitors. If you are searching for a roofing retargeting partner, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free strategy session and quote today!