
How to Get Rid of Moss on Roof?

Growth of green moss can create several problems on your shingle roofs. A small layer of thin moss might not be too troublesome, but large clumps of moss can degrade shingles, get beneath them and cause leaks. Further, many of the methods of removing moss that are recommended online actually damage the shingles increasing the […]


When to Call a Dallas Roofing Professional to Inspect Your Roof

If you’re like most homeowners, you’re probably wondering when exactly to call a Dallas roofing professional to inspect your roof. While it’s important to regularly inspect your roof yourself, there are indications that you may need to hire a professional from Dallas roof repair to inspect your roof from time to time. The main purpose […]


Understanding How the Dallas Heat Affects Your Roof

Your roof is one of the most important aspects and installation in your building. Considering the cost of roofing your building, you will agree that it is best to keep it in good shape for as long as possible. There are many roofing materials to choose from on the market, all with different lifespans and […]


How Long Does A Roof Last?

Your roof serves as the first line of defense against the ever-changing forces of nature. Therefore, while constructing a new roof or replacing an existing one, you’ll want to know how long it will survive. Given the high cost of roofing, you want yours to be a long-term investment. And according to Arlington roofing contractor, […]


What to Do If I Have a Hail Damaged Roof?

When the weather outside is frightful, your roof is one of the first places that can suffer damage. High winds, driving rain, and even hail can wreak havoc on your roof, leaving it vulnerable to leaks and other problems. It’s not something you should leave unaddressed for long, as water damage can quickly lead to […]