How To Spot and Fix Roof Leaks

Not all roof leaks require you to call an expert. In fact, you may be able to do some roof repair yourself. In this blog, you will learn how to spot roof leaks and fix them without needing extensive experience in roof repair. 

Roof Leaks  

Water stains are among the most common signs of roof leaks, especially when they extend over the ceilings and walls, usually leaving noticeable discolorations. It is not easy to locate the exact location of the leak, but repairs are generally easy once you find it. 

Roof leaks should not be left unattended, or it can cause more severe problems in your home down the road. Immediately fixing these issues is the best answer if you do not want to be troubled with skyrocketing expenses for major repairs or worse, full roofing replacements. Leaky roofs are like ticking bombs waiting to go off. It’s only a matter of time before small issues turn to even bigger problems. 

Finding Roof Leaks

The stains could help you track down the leak’s exact location and look at the roof above where the stains are. Look for roof penetrations such as plumbing and roof vents, chimneys, dormers, piercing nails, screws, and other sharp materials that could be the source of leaks. Be sure to check anything the projects through the roof, which can be several feet above the leak. 

Some leaks are more challenging to find. In this case, you can get a helper to assist you as you venture out your way to the leak’s location. Go up on the roof and bring a garden hose to soak the area where the leak seems to be. Start by isolating the areas you need to run the hose through and soak the areas one by one to avoid having your whole house immersed in water. While you’re at it, your helper needs to stay inside the house as a lookout and signal once the water starts dripping. This tip should make it less difficult to find these pesky little holes. 

How to Fix Small Leaks

Some roof leaks are not easy to spot, especially when the stains appear very far from the leak. Ceilings with a plastic vapor barrier between the drywall and the insulation often have water running to the openings in the barrier. In this case, you can push the insulation aside and check flow marks on the plastic. 

The stains are usually small and are hard to notice. If you can’t see them, try looking at the roof’s bottom and check for shiners – nails that missed the framing member. The nails are frosted at night and turn white, but the frost melts and drips when the heat comes up during the day. One quick way to resolve this is to use side-cutting pliers and clip the nails. 

Repair Small Holes

Small shingle holes can be very tricky, especially once they are left unresolved for a long time. They can cause decay, major leaks, and other severe roofing problems along the way. Albeit sneaky, these small holes can easily be repaired by flashing. 

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