And while she doesn’t necessarily seek the role of mentor, Castrogiovanni says she does the best she can. “While I’ve been careful in my business decisions, like everyone else, I’ve made my share of mistakes from which I’ve learned. I only hope that my presence and accomplishments in the field of plumbing can serve as proof to all women that it is possible to be successful in a male-dominated field.”
Working in the construction, development, and investment areas allowed Kelly to enter the TPC with a clearer understanding of monitoring costs, focusing on ROI, and a familiarity with the various components that come together from concept to completion in construction. Kelly’s human resources background has helped tremendously in evaluating performance, putting the right people in the right jobs, and adhering to the legal requirements that all employers face (with a unique extra layer due to the company’s union contracts). Her hotel management experience offered a chance to deal with a range of personality types and solve problems and complaints regularly. “I am very grateful for all the experience I have had, and, it shapes the way I run this business,” says Castrogiovanni.
Why plumbing? “A business is a business no matter what it is,” says Castrogiovanni. “My husband and I have had other businesses; we entered the plumbing industry by chance while ultimately helping to save this business,” says Castrogiovanni, who recognizes plumbing is a highly competitive field, which requires key facets of running a successful business—planning, organization, skilled employees, and disciplined efficiency to just survive, let alone thrive.
“The risks are enormous, yet if performed right, so can be the payback. It was implied to me beforehand that plumbing would prove to be exciting, interesting and rewarding, and so far, it has been,” says Castrogiovanni.