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How Long Do I Have to be an Apprentice Plumber?

Are you currently serving as a plumbing apprentice or looking to start an apprenticeship? In the majority of cases, plumbers are required to serve a set number of hours as an apprentice before taking the plumbing license exam. The amount of hours varies from state to state but typically falls between 6,000 and 8,000. Many states also require these hours to be served in no less than a given number of years. These regulations ensure that apprentices spend a healthy amount of time in an apprenticeship program. Usually, this period lasts between three and five years.

Plumbing Apprentices

During that time, plumbing apprentices are able to work under more experienced plumbers and learn from performing real-world jobs. Unlike many other careers that use unpaid internships, apprentices are also able to earn an income from their work. Many states also require apprentices to attend classes or specialized training sessions for a set number of hours. Other states allow these hours spent in classes to replace some of an apprentice’s required work hours. Attending these classes often costs money as well as time. For many apprentices, having to take time off work to attend training sessions can be both a financial and practical challenge. Apprentices must allow their budgets and schedules to accommodate these classes if they are required. 


Those looking to enter a plumbing apprentice program are strongly encouraged to research the regulations of their state or municipality. Each state has its own set of guidelines for plumbing licenses and apprentice programs, so it is essential to do your own research before pursuing a plumbing apprenticeship.


How Alpha Tradesmen Academy Can Help

While Alpha Tradesmen Academy’s online plumbing courses are not yet approved to replace these classes, our program makes a great learning tool for apprentices. Students at Alpha Tradesmen Academy have access to our online lessons and resources 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This way, our students can train in their own free time. Our online plumbing lessons are led by Robert Keith, who has served as a plumber for over three decades. The material covered in these lessons is updated and comes from Robert’s own professional experience and research, so students can be assured they are receiving high-quality plumbing training.


To sum everything up, most plumbing apprenticeship programs last from three to five years. Each state has its own guidelines concerning the number of hours an apprentice needs to serve. State and other local laws may also require apprentices to attend classes or training sessions in order to complete the program. Patience is a virtue when it comes to completing a trade apprenticeship. Still, the rewards of experience and a steady income as a professional tradesperson can be obtained on the side of the apprentice program. For apprentices who need high-quality plumbing training online that fits virtually any busy schedule, Alpha Tradesmen Academy is here to provide online courses that work alongside the hands-on experience students gain as apprentices.

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